Tuesday, October 11, 2011

NOW... TRUELY... In Christ Alone

  So, with this blog being up since March, with only one entry, how could I start a blog called: In Christ Alone, if I wasn't a Christian.  The answer is simple: I thought I was.  I also knew all of the Christian rhetoric, a lot of sound doctrine.  I've even considered myself to be on certain sides of the "camp" doctrinally when it came to true salvation.  Yet, I myself wasn't even saved.  So how does this happen?  How does a non-Christian become so convinced she is one, she shares Christ with some and even starts a blog for the world to read? 

The answer is that I sort of knew how to become a Christian, a Follower of Christ.  But I did not know how to live in Him alone.  No clue.  I lived for years knowing Christianity, in it's true form, is not works based.  I think many of us know that.  Yet, I was trying to work my way into the Kingdom of Heaven.  After all, How could a perfect God, the God Who created the Universe, love me?  It didn't make sense.  I must have to do something to earn that love.  I've had to earn the love of every other person who has loved me... No one has done it for free.  And acceptance has never been maintained for free.  I've had to work at it.  How could God, an All-Knowing God, forgive me for what I've done to others?   But ultimately, really, all of my sins have been against Him.  How could He look past my fears and failures? 

As you can see, it didn't add up.  But last night what did add up was that He created me.  He made me perfect, complete and whole.  That's how He could love me.  Because He knew what I would do to let Him down and He still came down from Heaven to die for me.

Oh, beloved, I will tell you, when I realized I could not "make" Christ love me anymore, or for that matter, "make" Him take away His love from me... This was miraculous.  I am a new Creation as of 10-10-11.  I am saved!  Not because of anything I did but because the Holy Spirit brought me to salvation.  He finally showed me why I had been questioning my salvation for so many years, because I wasn't saved.  I needed to accept the free gift Christ has offered to everyone of us and stop trying to work my way into Heaven.

I will spend eternity in Heaven, with Christ Jesus, My Saviour. 

Glorious day!

Monday, March 28, 2011

Idols of the Heart

I was reading in my Beth Moore study today about... idols.  And it really hit home.  I have been idolizing exercise now, for many years.  It has truly been an idol of my heart, off and on, for the better part of 15 or so years.  Probably since I was about 20.  (Now you can all guess my age:)) 

And today that idol brought me to tears.  Just typing that it has been that long brings me to tears.  I truly didn't realize how long it has been ruling me.  But it's not really the idol of exercise.  It's the idol of feeling empowered.  Like I am strong.  I'm not saying it's wrong to exercise, or to be strong or healthy, or to even want to look good.  It's when that becomes more important to me than how much I exercise my spiritual muscles, when it becomes more important to me than how beautiful my inner heart is.

I'll continue to exercise, but I've decided to get off facebook.  At least for awhile.  The problem with facebook is that almost all I talk to people about on it is my physical exercise.  Sure I'll post a verse now and then, but my talk of exercise dominates.  Today I even posted that I would not be exercising due to the needs of other things coming first, to which someone posted, "Make sure you make time for exercise." 

It is obviously the predominate focus on my "friend's" minds.  And I don't want that to influence me anymore.  I want to make sure I spend at least as much time in my Father's care of my heart as I do taking care of His outward temple.

Yes the body is important, but the heart is most valuable.  After all, "When you seek Me with all your heart then you will find Me." 

It's time I made more time for finding Him.  Which means less time for gratifying my earthly desire to be beautiful. 

After all, I want to be gorgeous for my King.  That is much more important than being beautiful to my fellow created beings!